Exploring the 2023 Haeundae Starlight Festival: Essential Travel Tips and My Vibrant Visit Recap

The Haeundae Starlight Festival is an annual winter light festival held at Haeundae Square and the beach area in Busan. This year, it runs from December 2, 2023, to January 31, 2024. Based on my personal experience, I’m excited to share a vivid review along with some top travel tips.

Getting to the Haeundae Starlight Festival – So Close and Convenient

On a rainy Thursday evening, I arrived at Haeundae Station. Being near the coast, the wind was especially strong, and it was quite chilly. Typically, such weather would make heading to a festival quite difficult. My fondness for the Haeundae Starlight Festival stems from its location — stretching from right outside Haeundae Station all the way to the beach, making it incredibly accessible.

The rainy weather actually added to the ambiance, allowing me to enjoy the festival in a uniquely charming way. As soon as I stepped out of Exit 5 of Haeundae Station, the beautiful, diffused lights caught my eye amidst the falling rain, and the sea breeze carried that distinct ocean scent, stirring a sense of sentimentality.

Getting to the Haeundae Starlight Festival - So Close and Convenient

2023 Haeundae Starlight Festival – Welcoming Lights Greet You

Navigating the Haeundae Starlight Festival is easy. Simply walk from Haeundae Station to the beach. Along the way, you’ll find various starlight sculptures perfect for photo ops. The photo zones are especially Instagram-worthy.

2023 Haeundae Starlight Festival - Welcoming Lights Greet You

Introducing the Starlight Festival Sculptures

True to the festival’s name, a glamorous gate awaited at the entrance. The starlight reflecting off the wet ground was particularly stunning. Past the gate, the colors changing over the ceiling in sync with the time created an otherworldly, dreamlike feeling.

Introducing the Starlight Festival Sculptures1

Introducing the Starlight Festival Sculptures2

I found the heart-shaped starlight to be the most beautiful, a perfect backdrop for couples.

I found the heart-shaped starlight to be the most beautiful, a perfect backdrop for couples.

Sculptures that blended perfectly with the damp ground and subtle lights.

Sculptures that blended perfectly with the damp ground and subtle lights.

Farewell 2023, Welcome 2024

For me, 2023 was a year of many challenges and setbacks, but it was also a year of significant growth. I hope all of you reading this will have a healthy and happy 2024.

For me, 2023 was a year of many challenges and setbacks, but it was also a year of significant growth. I hope all of you reading this will have a healthy and happy 2024.

And then there’s the grand tree at the end of the festival, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

And then there’s the grand tree at the end of the festival, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

As you pass the final Christmas sculpture, you’re led to the beautiful Haeundae Beach. Personally, I found the beach even more beautiful. I’ll go into more detail about the beach sculptures and my visit in a follow-up post.